UI Health Biorepository

Dear users of the UIC Biorepository,

All new requests are accepted via iLab only. 

To coordinate the procurement of specimens, please contact Barbara Russell (barbarar@uic.edu). 

For any questions or concerns, please contact:

Carlos Murga-Zamalloa; catto@uic.edu

Yue Huang; yuehuang@uic.edu

Barbara Russell; barbarar@uic.edu

Overview of Services

The University of Illinois Health (UIH) Biorepository is co-managed by the UIC Department of Pathology and the Research Resources Center, a part of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. The Biorepository provides procurement, storage, and delivery of biospecimens for clinical and translational research. UI Health Biorepository procures leftover tissue samples processed in the Department of Pathology's anatomical pathology division, including samples submitted to the division of cytopathology and hematopathology. Specimens are included via patient consent for the use of leftover tissue for research purposes. Additionally, specimens de-identified during the collection with no patient consent will be included.   

Submitting a Request

Investigators should start by filling out a corresponding iLab form. The application will be reviewed by the UI Health Biorepository committee, which will discuss project objectives, scope, assays, sample collection, and processing requirements before approving blood or tissue collection.


Leadership & Staff

Dr. Carlos Murga-Zamalloa | Academic Director of UIC Biorepository |312-413-3998 | catto@uic.edu

Barbara Russel| Pathologist Assistant and Honest Broker| 312-355-0492|barbarar@uic.edu                    

Location and hours of operation

Location Hours

911 Building

820 S. Wood Street,

CSB North W-17

Chicago, IL, 60012


Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 5:00 pm 


Cite it and share it

We are managed by the  Research Resources Center (RRC), funded by the  Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research (OVCR). We are also partially supported by the  Cancer Center (UICC)  and the  Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS). Please include acknowledgments for the above resources as well.

The following text is recommended:

“Biospecimens were processed and stored by the University of Illinois Health Biorepository, supported in part by NIH/NCATS Award Number UL1TR0000050 through the UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science.”


iLab account Set Up

  • For detailed registration information, please visit RRC Get Started
  • All fields must be filled out completely. Please make sure all information is accurate. 
  • If you have any questions about account registration, please email rrc-ilab@uic.edu



Name Role Phone Email Location
UI Biorep


Service list

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