UIC Metabolic Core

Overview of Services

UIC Metabolic Core Services

UIC Metabolic Core advances research by offering high-quality, reliable measurements essential for understanding metabolic and behavioral phenomena in laboratory animals. It provides state-of-the-art metabolic equipment, technical expertise, and assistance to investigators at UIC and in the Chicago area.

Sable Promethion System

The UIC Metabolic Core utilizes the Sable Promethion Core system for indirect calorimetry, which allows precise synchronization of metabolic data with behavioral events. This system, with a capacity of 32 cages, measures:

- Energy expenditure (O2 consumption, CO2 production, heat production, and respiratory exchange rate)
- Physical activities
- Feeding behavior (food intake, meal size, and meal frequency)
- Real-time body weight changes
- Water intake
- Fuel utilization analysis using a stable isotope gas analyzer

Additional features include attachable running wheels and an environmentally controlled chamber with operating temperatures ranging from 4° to 40°C.

LF50 BCA-Analyzer Bruker

Our services include body composition analysis using the LF50 BCA-Analyzer Bruker, which provides non-invasive measurements of:

- Fat mass
- Lean mass
- Free fluid in live, non-anesthetized animals

BioDAQ Food Intake Monitor

The BioDAQ food intake monitor from Research Diets facilitates continuous food intake and bout data collection. This system, with a capacity of 12 cages, measures episodic ad-libitum feeding and drinking activity in singly housed mice.

The UIC Metabolic Core is located in an isolated room inside the Biological Resources Laboratory, allowing for undisturbed metabolic testing.

If you have questions about UIC Metabolic Core equipment or services, contact Marcos David Munoz (mdmunoz7@uic.edu).


Xu, Pingwen PhD/Director
Munoz, Marcos David  PhD/Co-director

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

9 AM - 5 PM
Monday - Friday
Closed Holidays 

 1840 West Taylor St.
 Chicago, IL. 60612-7348


Name Role Phone Email Location
Xu, Pingwen
(312) 413-7948
MSB, E-610
Munoz, Marcos David
(773) 458-3779
MSB, E-610